Statement of Faith

The essentials we believe: (approved by LFC Elders 5/2017)

We Believe!

In God the Father almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, Who created us male and female, each in the image of God.

And in Jesus Christ his only son, our Lord; Both fully God and fully man. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Lived a sinless life. Was crucified, dead, and buried; The third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven from there he shall come again.

In the Holy Spirit; God. The source of truth and the Holy Scriptures.

The Holy Scriptures; The 66 books of the Old and New Testament Divinely inspired. Infallible on all subject matters on which it speaks.

Human Redemption; That all humans sin and fall short of God’s glory. The work of Jesus Christ atones for that sin for all those who call upon his name. No other act or outward symbol can replace or enhance Jesus’ sacrifice.

The True Church is composed of all that have been born again into God’s kingdom, through Jesus Christ without regard to age, race, gender, or nationality.

The Resurrection of the Body; That all will have an afterlife: Some to everlasting torment. And for those who have followed Jesus, to everlasting life.
